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1 year ago
# выбирает информацию по видео файлу.
import os
1 year ago
import subprocess
import json
import zlib
1 year ago
import datetime
# правильный перевод!
def humanbytes(B):
"""Return the given bytes as a human friendly KB, MB, GB, or TB string."""
B = float(B)
KB = float(1024)
MB = float(KB ** 2) # 1,048,576
GB = float(KB ** 3) # 1,073,741,824
TB = float(KB ** 4) # 1,099,511,627,776
if B < KB:
return '{0} {1}'.format(B,'Bytes' if 0 == B > 1 else 'Byte')
elif KB <= B < MB:
return '{0:.2f} KB'.format(B / KB)
elif MB <= B < GB:
return '{0:.2f} MB'.format(B / MB)
elif GB <= B < TB:
return '{0:.2f} GB'.format(B / GB)
elif TB <= B:
return '{0:.2f} TB'.format(B / TB)
# file_info
def file_info(fn):
meta = {}
fp = open(fn, 'rb')
filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(fn)
created = os.path.getmtime(fn)
dt_m = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(created)
size = os.path.getsize(fn)
data =
meta["name"] = fn
meta["path"] = os.path.splitdrive(fn)[1]
meta["ext"] = file_extension.lower()
meta["date"] = dt_m
meta["type"] = "meta"
meta["crc"] = zlib.crc32(data)
meta["size"] = size
return meta
def humanbitrate(s):
The function "humanbitrate" takes a string representing a bitrate in the format "a/b" and returns
the bitrate as a float with one decimal place.
:param s: The parameter "s" is a string that represents a fraction in the format "a/b", where "a"
and "b" are numbers
:return: the bitrate as a string.
items = s.split("/")
a = float(items[0])
b = float(items[1])
bitrate = "%8.1f" % (a / b)
return bitrate.strip()
1 year ago
# крманда ffmpeg для получения постера
def poster(fn):
The function "poster" takes a file name as input and returns a command to extract a poster image
from a video file using ffmpeg.
:param fn: The parameter `fn` is a string that represents the file name or path of the video file
for which you want to generate a poster image
:return: a string that represents a command to be executed using ffmpeg.
1 year ago
seconds = 5
path = fn
image = postername(fn)
ffmpeg = "ffmpeg -ss %s -i \"%s\" -f image2 -vframes 1 -y \"%s\"" % (seconds, path, image)
return ffmpeg
def postername(file_path):
file_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(file_path)
return file_name + ".jpg"
def check_file(file):
meta = file_info(file)
# cmd = "ffprobe -v quiet -print_format json -show_format -show_streams \"%s\"" % file
cmd = "ffprobe -v quiet -print_format json -show_format -show_streams \"%s\" >" % file
# output =, capture_output=True, text=True, shell=True)
1 year ago
# обычный вывод
output =, text=True, shell=True)
1 year ago
info = {}
# data = json.loads(output.stdout)
f = open('', "r", encoding='utf-8')
data = json.load(f)
1 year ago
info["audio"] = len(data["streams"]) > 1
total_seconds = datetime.timedelta(seconds=float(data["format"]["duration"]))
info["duration"] = total_seconds
#print("seconds", total_seconds, file)
info["hduration"] = "00:00:00"
info["hduration"] = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(total_seconds), "%H:%M:%S.%f").strftime("%H:%M:%S")
info["hduration"] = '0' + str(total_seconds)
# print("не удалось распарсить время:", info["hduration"])
1 year ago
info["width"] = data["streams"][0]["width"]
info["height"] = data["streams"][0]["height"]
info["bit_rate"] = humanbitrate(data["streams"][0]["avg_frame_rate"])
info["codec"] = data["streams"][0]["codec_name"]
info["filename"] = os.path.basename(meta["name"])
1 year ago
info["ext"] = meta["ext"]
info["crc"] = meta["crc"]
info["created"] = meta["date"]
info["hcreated"] = meta["date"].strftime("%d.%m.%Y")
info["size"] = data["format"]["size"]
info["hsize"] = humanbytes(data["format"]["size"])
info["poster"] = poster(file)
return info
def valid_file(file):
The function checks if a file has a valid extension by comparing it to a list of valid extensions.
:param file: The "file" parameter is a string that represents the name of a file, including its
:return: a boolean value. It returns True if the file extension is valid (i.e., it matches one of
the extensions in the valid_ext list), and False otherwise.
1 year ago
valid_ext = ["mp4", "mpeg", "webm"]
ext = file.split(".")[-1]
for e in valid_ext:
if ext == e:
return True
return False
def generate_sql(m):
cmd = """
('%s', %s, '%s',
'%s', '%s', %s, %s,
%s, '%s', %s, '%s', '%s',
'%s', '%s', '%s', '%s'),\n""" % (
m["filename"], m["size"], m["hsize"],
m["duration"], m["hduration"], m["width"], m["height"],
m["bit_rate"], m["ext"], m["crc"], m["created"], m["hcreated"],
m["audio"], m["codec"], m["tags"], m["type"] )
return cmd
1 year ago
# =================== начало программы ====================
1 year ago
dir = "d:\\vids\\ero"
log_errors = open("errors.log", "w", encoding="utf-8")
# подготовка sql
sql_file = open("meta.sql", "w", encoding="utf-8")
values = "\t(filename, size, hsize,"
values += " duration, hduration, width, height,"
values += " bitrate, ext, crc, created, hcreated,"
values += " poster, audio, codec, tags, type"
values += ")\n values"
cmd = "insert\n into filemeta\n%s" % values
cmd = ""
1 year ago
files = os.listdir(dir)
for file in files:
path = os.path.join(dir, file)
# path = os.path.join(dir, "Бандиты насилуют и убивают двух сестер Изнасилования в ретро.mp4")
1 year ago
if valid_file(file):
meta = check_file(path)
if meta != None:
meta["type"] = "video"
meta["tags"] = ""
cmd += generate_sql(meta)
log_errors.write("ошибка ffprobe : %s\n" % path)
# предупреждение о маленьком файле
width = int(meta["width"])
if width < 400:
print("[%sx%s] %s" % (meta["width"], meta["height"], path))
1 year ago
log_errors.write("не удалось обработать файл: %s\n" % path)
1 year ago
log_errors.write("пропускаем файл: %s\n" % path)
# меняем последнюю запятую на точку с запятой
cmd = cmd[:-3] + ";\n"